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LM FEB UIWebinar Series, “Overview of Audit Assessment in General and Risk Monitoring”

LM FEB UIWebinar Series, “Overview of Audit Assessment in General and Risk Monitoring”   Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (22/8/2020) A webinar series, entitled “Overview of Internal Audit Assessment on...
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TERC LPEM FEB UI and DDTC Fiscal ResearchInternational Webinar , “Tax Administration Update from Past and Future Learning”

TERC LPEM FEB UI and DDTC Fiscal ResearchInternational Webinar , “Tax Administration Update from Past and Future Learning”   Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (26/8/2020) On Wednesday (26/8/2020), the Tax...
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Vid Adrison: Fiscal Stimulus for Economic Recovery

Vid Adrison: Fiscal Stimulus for Economic Recovery Delli Asterina – Public Relations of FEB UI Depok – (6/8/2020) Vid Adrison, Ph.D Chair of the Department of Economics, FEB UI, released his article published in Media...
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MSME Financial Literacy – Taxation for MSMEs

MSME Financial Literacy – Taxation for MSMEs   Hana Fajria – Public Relations of FEB UI Depok – (5/8/2020) Finansialku_com held an online chat on basic taxation for new MSMEs, using “igtv” with resource persons...
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UI and Tzu Chi Collaborate in the Tridharma of Higher Education

UI and Tzu Chi Collaborate in the Tridharma of Higher Education   DEPOK – (19/8/2020) Universitas Indonesia (UI) collaborated with the Indonesian Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, Tzu Chi University Taiwan, and Tzu Chi Science &...
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UI – BAPETEN Extends Cooperation on Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization

UI – BAPETEN Extends Cooperation on Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization The University of Indonesia and the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (BAPETEN) have again extended their cooperation for improving supervision on the use of nuclear...
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oto Pranoto, BUMN Researcher: The competence levels of BUMN  (SOE) Commissioners are not yet met

Toto Pranoto, BUMN Researcher: The competence levels of BUMN  (SOE) Commissioners are not yet met Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (19/8/2020) Dr. Toto Pranoto, Senior Advisor of the Management Institute...
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Suahasil Nazara: Digital Transformation is not an option, but a necessity

Suahasil Nazara: Digital Transformation is not an option, but a necessity Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (12/8/2020) The Ministry of Finance Webinar Corpu-Talk Transformation Talks, is a collaboration of the...
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The Management Research Center FEB UI Held The 13th International Conference on Business and Management Research (ICBMR) “Leveraging Business and Management Knowledge in Digital Era”

The Management Research Center FEB UI Held The 13th International Conference on Business and Management Research (ICBMR) “Leveraging Business and Management Knowledge in Digital Era”   Hana Fajria – Humas FEB UI Depok – (21-10-2020)...
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