This is An Effective Way to Develop A Self-Report Questionnaire


This is An Effective Way to Develop A Self-Report Questionnaire


Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

DEPOK – In improving students’ competence in developing self-report questionnaires, the FEB UI Postgraduate Accounting Program held a Workshop with the theme “Step by Step To Develop Self-Report Questionnaires” and was opened by Yulianti Abbas as Director of Accounting Graduate Study Program which took place in room 401-402 , Postgraduate Building, on Wednesday (11/20/2019).

Lecturer of the Faculty of Psychology UI, Nurul Arbiyah, explained that psychological testing is one of the tools / procedures in the process of psychological assessment and psychological measurement as separate items designed to measure the characteristics of behavior. Psychological tests are classified into 4 parts, first the behavior is measured in the form of ability & personality tests. Second, administration is in the form of individual and group / class tests. Third, the form of response in the form of paper pencil test, oral, performance / non-verbal. And finally, the time limit is in the form of a power and speed test.

Characteristics of a good psychological test must meet 5 elements, including standardization, objective, reliable/consistent, valid, and have norms. In addition, the steps for the preparation of psychological tests in the form of conceptualization where before compiling a test need to be concerned with questions that contain 5W + 1H, construction (scaling makes rules for giving numbers in measurements, item writing (by making a table of blue prints / grids) , making instructions, and scoring), and try outs include grammar items.

“Meanwhile, the self-report questionnaire is used as a tool used in asking questions to participants about themselves to measure various constructs, such as beliefs, attitudes, and feelings,” Nurul Arbiyah said.

One of the main advantages of a self-report questionnaire is that it can be given to a large sample of people quickly without much effort or financial costs. The main disadvantage of the self-report questionnaire might be giving invalid answers. When responding to items, respondents might not answer truthfully especially on sensitive questions.

The validity of the self-report questionnaire is used to measure the extent of the instrument and what should be measured. There are three types of validity, criteria validity, content validity, construct validity, and.

“Strategies are needed in designing self-report questionnaires to suit our needs, including anchoring or identifying points of scale in words or numbers, making a list of questions in a coherent manner, questionnaire layout is also important to encourage respondent involvement and minimize the possibility of irritation. Thus, the questionnaire must be designed to appear as short as possible, and should not be too full and must have sufficient space for open responses such as identification of target demographics, make sure you can protect privacy, consider anonymous questionnaires, ” Nurul Arbiyah said.

Steps that should became a concern in writing a questionnaire are introducing yourself, explaining the purpose of the questionnaire, expressing what will happen with the data that you collect, including agreement based on information, it requires estimating how long the questionnaire will last, and explains any incentives that might be involved, and make sure your questionnaire looks professional. (Des)