Is a research group based on science/expertise/interest from Professors at FEB UI.
In early 2021, officially through the Dean’s Decree No. SK-098/UN2.F6.D/HKP.02.04/2021, 19 research clusters have been formed from 3 departments in FEB UI (Department of Economics, Department of Management, and Department of Accounting). These research clusters were formed with the aim of scientific development, increasing the quantity and quality of publications, increasing research collaboration internally, nationally, and internationally, and also encouraging the development of lecturers to conduct research and publications. Since the date of their establishment, these research clusters have functioned actively in conducting research both independently and in collaboration with other parties, including with universities abroad. The following are the names of the clusters in FEB UI along with the names of the heads and the research areas, which are the focus of each cluster.
No. | Cluster Name | Chairman | Department |
1 |
Tata Kelola, Manajemen Risiko, dan Keberlanjutan (Governance, Risk Management, and Sustainability) |
Desi Adhariani, S.E.Ak., M.Si., Ph.D. |
Akuntansi |
2 |
Pelaporan dan Pengauditan Korporat(Corporate Reporting and Auditing) |
Dr. Sylvia Veronica Nalurita Purnama Siregar, S.E. |
Akuntansi |
3 |
Tata Kelola dan Akuntabilitas Sektor Publik(Public Sector Accountability and Governance) |
Dr. Ratna Wardhani, S.E., M.Si. |
Akuntansi |
4 |
Akuntansi dan Keuangan Islam(Islamic Accounting and Finance) |
Dr. Dodik Siswantoro, S.E., M.Sc., Acc. |
Akuntansi |
5 |
Yulianti Abbas, Ph.D. |
Akuntansi |
6 |
Zaäfri Ananto Husodo, Ph.D. |
Manajemen |
7 |
Industri Halal(Halal Industry) |
Sri Rahayu Hijah Hati, Ph.D. |
Manajemen |
8 |
Kajian Ketahanan dan Keberlanjutan(Resilience and Sustainability) |
Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti, Ph.D. |
Manajemen |
9 |
Transformasi Organisasi, Orang dan Masyarakat(Organisational Transformation, People and Society) |
Kanti Pertiwi, Ph.D. |
Manajemen |
10 |
Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan(Innovation andEntrepreneurship) |
Avanti Fontana, Ph.D. |
Manajemen |
11 |
Pemodelan Energi dan Analisis Ekonomi Regional(Energy Modeling and Regional Economic Analysis) |
Dr. Djoni Hartono |
Ilmu Ekonomi |
12 |
Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam(Islamic Economic and Finance) |
Tika Arundina, Ph.D. |
Ilmu Ekonomi |
13 |
Ekonomi Perkotaan dan Transportasi(Urban and Transportation Economics) |
Muhammad Halley Yudhistira, Ph.D. |
Ilmu Ekonomi |
14 |
Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Evaluasi Dampak(Economic Policy and Impact Evaluation) |
Rus’an Nasrudin, Ph.D. |
Ilmu Ekonomi |
15 |
Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D. |
Ilmu Ekonomi |
16 |
Dr. Abdillah Ahsan |
Ilmu Ekonomi |
17 |
Vid Adrison, Ph.D. |
Ilmu Ekonomi |
18 |
Ekonomi Kelembagaan dan Tata Kelola (Institutional Economics and Governance) |
Yohanna M. L. Gultom, Ph.D. |
Ilmu Ekonomi |
19 |
Perdagangan Internasional, Keuangan dan Ekonomi Moneter(International Trade, Finance, and Monetary Economics) |
Sugiharso Safuan, Ph.D. |
Ilmu Ekonomi |