

Basic Training on Introduction to Computers and Microsoft Office Applications for Operational Staff at the Facility and Infrastructure (Fastur) FEB UI Hana Fajria ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (19-23 / 11/2020)  To improve the competence of staff in the Facilities and Infrastructure (Fastur) Division, Human Resources (HR) FEB UI held a Basic Training...
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LD FEB UI Researcher: Why Women’s Economic Participation in Indonesia is Still Low? DEPOK – (25/11/2020) Diahhadi Setyonaluri, Ph.D. (Ruri), a researcher at the Demographic Institute of FEB UI,  was one of the speakers in a  Webinar held by the UI School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) in commemoration of the International Day for...
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UI Receives Public Information Openness Award, With the Predicate Informative   DEPOK – (25/11/2020) On Wednesday (25/11), Universitas Indonesia (UI) received an award as a state university (PTN) with the Informative Predicate at the Public Information Openness Award organized by the Central Information Commission. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. (HC) KH...
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PEBS FEB UI Webinar, “Excise Policy as a Community Protector and Urgency to Amend Law N0.39 / 2007” Adela Miranti Yuniar ~ Junior Researcher PEBS FEB UI Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (23/10/2020) The Center for Sharia Economics and Business (PEBS) FEB UI in collaboration with The Union, held a...
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UI Initiates UI and Diaspora Research Meeting to Increase Research Collaboration DEPOK (14/10/2020) Universitas Indonesia (UI) through its  Directorate of Research and Development (Risbang UI) held an online seminar entitled “Strengthening International Multidisciplinary Research Collaboration Towards World Class Research and Innovation”, with key speakers from the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of Agency...
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UI is awarded the  First Rank Innovative College Award in the Innovation Management Category DEPOK – (10/11/2020) Universitas Indonesia (UI) was awarded  the first rank award in Indonesia as an innovative university in innovation management. The award was presented  directly by the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the Agency. The Prof. Bambang...
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Turro Wongkaren: Do You Have Comorbidity? You Must Be More Disciplined at 3M So That It’s Not  Fatal   DEPOK – (5/11/2020) Covid-19 patients who have comorbidity or comorbid diseases have a high risk of developing severe symptoms and death. For this reason, society  is expected to implement health protocols, whether they have comorbidities or...
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FEB UI Undergraduate Accounting Student Team Won 1st Place in Tax Video Competition Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (30/10/2020) The student team of S1 Accounting Study Program class of 2017, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas  Indonesia, won 1st place in the Tax Video Competition organized by the Directorate General...
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TERC LPEM FEB UI and SPA: Tax Intercollegiate Forum Bahas 2021 – The Future of Taxation Policy in The Pandemic Recovery Era Nino Eka Putra ~ PR of FEB UI DEPOK – (21/10/2020) The Tax Education and Research Center, Institute for Economic and Community Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (TERC LPEM FEB...
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College Challenges in 2021 :  Full of Uncertainty  By: Nachrowi Djalal Nachrowi     DEPOK – (31/10/2020) This title was conveyed by Prof. Nachrowi Djalal Nachrowi, Ph.D., Chair of the UI Academic Senate (SA UI) and also Chair of the Academic Senate Assembly of State Legal Entities in Indonesia (MSA PTNBH), at the MSA PTN...
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