

Studying Human Resource Management Practices, PPIM FEB UI Students Visited PT. Sagatrade Murni   Banuratih ~ Humas PPIM FEB UI DEPOK – Management Science Postgraduate Program (PPIM) conducted a Company Visit to PT. Sagatrade Murni in the context of learning “Human Resource Management Practices for Competitiveness Excellence”, on Thursday (12/12/2019). This company visit is intended...
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PPIM FEB UI Held Public Lecture from Universiti Kelantan Malaysia Discussing Leadership in Malaysian Wage Council   Banuratih ~ Humas PPIM FEB UI DEPOK – Management Science Postgraduate Program (PPIM) held a Guest Lecture by Balakrishnan Parasuraman as Professor from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan which took place in room 401, Postgraduate Building, Saturday (12/07/2019). This Guest...
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Department of Management FEB UI Held Public Lectures from the Hajj Financial Management Board   Hana Fajria ~ Humas FEB UI Depok – Management Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held a Guest Lecture in Market and financial institutions courses on “Hajj Financial Management” which took place from 08.30 West...
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PT. Avrist Assurance and Hary Harmain Diah Renovated Computer Lab and Classroom at FEB UI   Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI DEPOK – In improving the quality of higher education infrastructure, the Faculty of Economics and Business inaugurated the renovation of the Computer Laboratory of the Management Department of FEB UI, presented by...
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Accounting Student of FEB UI Won National Group Winner and Individual Winner Unilever Future Leaders League (UFLL) 2019 Delli Asterina ~ Public Relation FEB UI Accounting student of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (UI) class of 2017 named Nadya Gita Anggara made achievements at the Unilever Future Leaders League (UFLL) held...
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Management Student of FEB UI Won Unilever Future Leaders League 2019 (UFLL) Individual Winner Delli Asterina ~ Public Relation FEB UI Natasha Salim Sjarkawi, a management class 2016 student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia won an Individual Winner in the 2019 Unilever Future Leaders League (UFLL). Because of his achievement,...
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Practitioners Share Risk Management in the Banking Industry   Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI DEPOK – The banking industry has a strong relationship with economic development. Credit risk, market risk, and operating risk are the main risks faced by banks. Credit risk occurs as a consequence of potential defaulted creditors, falling interest rates and...
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These are the Tips for Successful Career Begins from Maybank MasterClass   Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI   DEPOK – Preparing for the work is the next stage after finishing studying in college. Since the beginning, knowledge, and strategies are needed to achieve success in the future career path. Based on his experience, Muhamadian...
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Collaborative Publication, An Alternative Publication Strategies     Melva Costanty – Humas FEB UI DEPOK – The publication of scientific journals is one of the obligations in fulfilling the graduate program graduation requirements. Besides, lecturers are also encouraged to actively conduct research and publish scientific journals. One alternative to publication is to join collaborative journal...
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Edi Hamdi Assessed the Role of Knowledge Management in the Business Model of the Oil and Gas Technical Services Industry Melva Costanty – Humas FEB  DEPOK – Management Science Postgraduate Program Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia held an open session of Doctoral Promotion Edi Hamdi (1506776931) which took place in room 401-403,...
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