November 7, 2021


Village Fisherman Group Assisted by UKM Center FEB UI on Buru Island Receives Capital Assistance from LPMUKP KKP DEPOK – (26/8/2021) The Village Fishermen Group assisted by the UKM Center FEB UI and PT Astra Internasional in the Kampung Berseri Astra Desa Sejahtera (KBA DS) program received capital assistance from the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries...
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The Urgency of Climate Change Funding in the Regions By: Dr. Alin Halimatussadiah, Head of Environmental Economic Studies at LPEM FEB UI and Nauli A. Desdiani, S.E., M.Sc. LPEM FEB UI researcher KONTAN – (24/8/2021) Over the last 10 years, the intensity of natural disasters in Indonesia has continued to increase. Bappenas estimates that economic...
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LD FEB UI Survey, INFID and Kurawal Foundation: The Importance of Increasing Health Insurance through Improving Health Services in the Pandemic DEPOK – (13/8/2021) The International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) supported by the Kurawal Foundation and in collaboration with the Demographic Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business, UniversitasIndonesia (LD FEB UI)...
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Sri Mulyani Explains the Importance of Tax Awareness of the Young Generation JAKARTA, DDTCNews – (25/8/2021) Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati invites all young people to understand the importance of taxes as a form of contribution to the state. Sri Mulyani said the state uses taxes as the main instrument to fund various expenditures....
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UI Research Says Education Is Proven to Increase Tax Awareness JAKARTA, DDTCNews – (25/8/2021) Tax education and dissemination has a direct role in increasing public tax awareness. This was revealed through research conducted by the Tax Education and Research Center (TERC) FEB UI regarding the impact of the Speech Tax (Pajak Bertutur) program on increasing...
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Sharing to Lighten the Debt Burden The government and Bank Indonesia or BI will continue the burden-sharing scheme this year and next year. This cooperation is considered to be able to ease the debt burden. However, the government was reminded of the risk of an increase in the debt burden for efforts toward national economic...
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LD FEB UI: Important Concepts to Overcome the Pandemic with the Soft System Methodology Approach   DEPOK – (20/8/2021) The Demographic Institute of FEB UI and the Development Study Forum collaborated again to hold a Public Seminar with the topic “Indonesian Behavioral Changes Experiences in Tackling the Future Pandemics and Social-Economic Challenge” on Friday (20/8/2021)....
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Accelerate Infrastructure, 2021 Investment Financing Budget Increased JAKARTA, KOMPAS — (08/25/2021) The government has raised its investment financing projection for 2021 to Rp 204.5 trillion. Additional investment financing will be taken from the reserve fund for the national economic recovery program and the rest of last year’s budget. In a working meeting with the House...
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BUMDes Sports Business is Expected to Be the Driver of Rural Social and Economic Development DEPOK – (21/82021) The Institute for Economic and Community Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration held a webinar titled “BUMDes Sports Business:...
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UKM Center FEB UI with BSI and KNEKS Open the 2021 Entrepreneur Class DEPOK – (14/8/2021) The UKM Center, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (UKMC FEB UI) together with Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) opened the online 2021 Entrepreneur Class  program. The Entrepreneur Class is a training and mentoring program for MSMEs, which is...
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